We are at the end of a very busy summer. We had two firsts…the first time we helped fund the Unit 4 Schools employment program and the first time we provided our own youth program in association with Metanoia Center. Both programs turned out to be a great success and we were honored and excited to touch the lives of so many of our youth. We are excited for the future of youth programs at the City of Champaign Township.
As you know, General Assistance is the primary responsibility of Township government throughout Illinois. Our assistance has remained the same for the last few years and we felt it was time for very modest increase. Effective July 1, 2014, our client’s now receive $250 per month for assistance, up from $245. Although the increase is minimal, it’s important that the Township continue to meet the basic needs of our clients.
Our fan program went well this year and we handed out about 25 box fans to low income senior citizens. Our numbers for fans were down a bit this year but it’s likely due to the fact we had a cool summer. As we move into the winter months, we look forward to partnering with other agencies for supplies for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We are currently working on this year’s tax levy. The Township is funded completely by property taxes. We will provide the Trustees with the amount we request to levy at the November meeting and it will be voted on at the December meeting. We continue to operate in a fiscally responsible manner while increasing the services we provide to the citizens.
Feel free to contact our office if you should have any questions and don’t forget to follow us on social media (City of Champaign Township on Facebook and @cctownship on Twitter). We post regularly about what is happening in the community and at the Township.
Andy Quarnstrom
City of Champaign Township-Supervisor
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