Happy New Year! I’m going to keep previous blog entries up to make it easier to keep up to all that is going on in the City of Champaign Township. This way you can scroll down and get a historic perspective of what we have been doing and projects we are working on. As always, we have been busy at the Township. The holidays were very nice and we had a holiday party/open house for our clients and those interested in visiting. We provided some light food and drinks as well as a Wal Mart gift card for our clients. This goes a long way to make their holiday happy and allows them to get something special for themselves. We ended the year with more clients than we had had at any point in the calendar year.
We have now started voter registration at the Township office. You can stop by with the proper identification and fill out the voter registration info here instead of having to go to Brookens. Thanks to Champaign County Clerk Gordy Hulten for helping get the staff certified in registration. As a reminder, we also offer document notarization in our office.
We had good success increasing our following on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow one or both, this is a great way to get immediate and up to date info on what is happening, community alerts, and interesting info related to the Township. We are still looking at other ways to improve our web site and we encourage any ideas that you the tax payer may have.
Our levy ordinance passed unanimously and is now on record at the Champaign County Clerks. In addition, you can find a copy of our annual treasurer’s report and budget on file there or in our office as well as on our web site in the meeting info section. We are anticipating some savings with the Affordable Care Act. All of our clients have applied and as of today about 1/3rd have received their medical card. Again, this not only releases the Township from our client’s medical liability, but also decreases the Township’s burden to pay for client prescriptions. In the past, we have been mandated to provide prescriptions for clients but the ACA removes this liability. Unfortunately, the process is new and many uncertainties exist and we won’t likely recognize full savings for a few months. In the meantime, we are ensuring that all clients are receiving their medications as needed.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or requests. We look forward to serving you! If you’d like to contact the Supervisor, feel free to call my extension at 403-6121 or email me at andy.cctownship@ci.champaign.il.us. Stay warm and safe!
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