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May 21, 2014

See our 2014/2015 budget and ordinance here: 2014-2015 Budget Ordinance and FY 2014-2015 Budget Final.

Spring is a busy time of year in Township government. Our fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30 so we are finishing up one fiscal year and getting ready to start another fiscal year. This is an important process. First we need to review what we budgeted and how we spent in the current fiscal year. Next, we need to see what we want to spend in the new fiscal year. It sounds easy, but much more goes into it than meets the eye.

As we near the completion of a fiscal year, we review line by line what we spent and how we spent it. This is important for a few reasons. First, It helps in predictions for next fiscal year. Second, it allows us to have a good understanding of where our money is going as well as if we can do things better. In the 13/14 fiscal year our budgeting and spending were in line with our projections. Using this information, we were able to make some predictions and forecasting on spending for 14/15.

We have made many changes to not only how we budget, but also some new programs that we are funding. Working with the City of Champaign, we put into place better accounting practices and made an effort to budget not only for next year but also from a long range perspective. Our budget is available for viewing at the Township, 603 S. Randolph as well as at the City of Champaign Clerk’s office. As per statute, it’s available for at least 30 days prior to our budget hearing on July 1.

We continue to provide assistance to a near record number of clients. At the same time, we have seen savings from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Over 2/3rds of our clients have now received their medical card and we hope to have everyone covered this summer. In addition, we have been providing notary services as well as voter registration services in our office. As always, if you have an idea as to additional services you would like to see the Township provide, feel free to send an email or stop by our offices.

As always, we have an open door. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@cctownship). It’s a great way to keep up to date with what’s occurring at the Township.

Andrew J. Quarnstrom

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